
SpCas9- and LbCas12a-Mediated DNA Editing Produce Different Gene Knockout Outcomes in Zebrafish Embryos

Meshalkina, D.A., Glushchenko, A.S., Kysil, E.V., Mizgirev, I.V., Frolov, A.
Full text @ Genes (Basel)

The mechanisms of action of LbCas12a (a) and SpCas9 (b) nucleases. LbCas12a cleaves far from PAM and SpCas9 cleaves near PAM, in the seed region. TTTN -represents the PAM sequence for LbCas12a, NGG is the PAM sequence for SpCas9, cleavage sites by nuclease domains (RuvC and HNH) are labeled with red triangles (pink triangle labels an alternative cut site, producing staggered ends).

Assessment of crRNAs activities: (a) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4a gene; (b) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4b; (c) in vitro activity assessment of ribonucleoprotein complexes of LbCas12a with corresponding crRNAs: percentage of PCR-products that were cut by RNP complexes is given in the row under the picture; (d) representative phenotypes of RNP-microinjected embryos.

Assessment of crRNAs activities: (a) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4a gene; (b) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4b; (c) in vitro activity assessment of ribonucleoprotein complexes of LbCas12a with corresponding crRNAs: percentage of PCR-products that were cut by RNP complexes is given in the row under the picture; (d) representative phenotypes of RNP-microinjected embryos.

Assessment of crRNAs activities: (a) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4a gene; (b) schematic representation of the protospacer location in the exon 1 of slc6a4b; (c) in vitro activity assessment of ribonucleoprotein complexes of LbCas12a with corresponding crRNAs: percentage of PCR-products that were cut by RNP complexes is given in the row under the picture; (d) representative phenotypes of RNP-microinjected embryos.

Comparison of LbCas12a and SpCas9 editing properties (the data from both serotonin transporters are summed together). (a) SpCas9 produces higher percentage of inserts in the outcomes of editing. (b) Average length of deletion is higher in embryos mutated by LbCas12a. (c) LbCas12a produces higher percentage of indels longer than 10 bp. (d) Both nucleases showed the same efficiency of editing.

Comparison of LbCas12a and SpCas9 editing properties (the data from both serotonin transporters are summed together). (a) SpCas9 produces higher percentage of inserts in the outcomes of editing. (b) Average length of deletion is higher in embryos mutated by LbCas12a. (c) LbCas12a produces higher percentage of indels longer than 10 bp. (d) Both nucleases showed the same efficiency of editing.

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