Phenotype: primordial germ cell regulation of intracellular pH process quality, abnormal
Note: This statement combines anatomy and/or ontology terms with phenotype quality terms to create a complete phenotype (EQ) statement. For detailed information on individual terms, click the hyperlinked term name.
Name: primordial germ cell
Synonyms: PGC
Definition: A primordial germ cell is a diploid germ cell precursors that transiently exist in the embryo before they enter into close association with the somatic cells of the gonad and become irreversibly committed as germ cells.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009288]
Name: regulation of intracellular pH
Synonyms: cell pH regulation, cellular pH regulation, pH regulation in cell, regulation of cell pH
Definition: Any process that modulates the internal pH of a cell, measured by the concentration of the hydrogen ion.
Ontology: GO: Biological Process [GO:0051453]    QuickGO    AmiGO
Name: process quality
Synonyms: quality of a process, quality of occurrent, quality of process, relational quality of occurrent
Definition: A quality which inheres in an process.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0001236]