Search Ontology:
GO: Biological Process

negative regulation of G1 to G0 transition

Term ID
  • down regulation of cell cycle quiescence
  • down regulation of establishment of cell quiescence
  • down regulation of G1 to G0 transition
  • down regulation of G1/G0 transition
  • down regulation of stationary phase
  • down-regulation of cell cycle quiescence
  • down-regulation of establishment of cell quiescence
  • down-regulation of G1 to G0 transition
  • down-regulation of G1/G0 transition
  • down-regulation of stationary phase
  • downregulation of cell cycle quiescence
  • downregulation of establishment of cell quiescence
  • downregulation of G1 to G0 transition
  • downregulation of G1/G0 transition
  • downregulation of stationary phase
  • inhibition of cell cycle quiescence
  • inhibition of establishment of cell quiescence
  • inhibition of G1 to G0 transition
  • inhibition of G1/G0 transition
  • inhibition of stationary phase
  • negative regulation of cell cycle quiescence
  • negative regulation of establishment of cell quiescence
  • negative regulation of G1/G0 transition
  • negative regulation of stationary phase
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of G1 to G0 transition. 24088570
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
is a type of
negatively regulates
Phenotype caused by Genes