ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-041114-200

Mapping Details

Gene Name: gap junction protein, alpha 12.1
Symbol: gja12.1
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 20 40,744,754 - 40,750,953 GRCz11
Ensembl 20 40,744,754 - 40,750,953 GRCz11
Vega 20 40,847,644 - 40,853,843 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 20 40,744,754 - 40,750,964 GRCz11
UCSC 20 - GRCz11
Mapped Clones containing gja12.1
DKEY-261A18 Chr: 20 Details
PHYSICAL MAPPING No data available

Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
gja13.1 GENE 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically  ...
gja11 GENE 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically  ...
gja13.2 GENE 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically  ...
gja12.2 GENE 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically  ...
gja1b GENE 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically  ...
gja11 GENE 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa, gjab,gjac,gjadp,gjae and gja1 to Chr. 20 by sequencing BAC DKEY-261A18.
gja13.2 GENE 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa, gjab,gjac,gjadp,gjae and gja1 to Chr. 20 by sequencing BAC DKEY-261A18.
gja12.2 GENE 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa, gjab,gjac,gjadp,gjae and gja1 to Chr. 20 by sequencing BAC DKEY-261A18.
gja1b GENE 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa, gjab,gjac,gjadp,gjae and gja1 to Chr. 20 by sequencing BAC DKEY-261A18.
gja13.1 GENE 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa, gjab,gjac,gjadp,gjae and gja1 to Chr. 20 by sequencing BAC DKEY-261A18.

Chr 20 Iovine et al., 2005 Iovine, et al. (2005. Dev Biol 278:208-219) reports mapping gjaa,  ...
Chr 20 Eastman et al., 2006 Eastman et al (Genomics 87(2):265-274) identified clusters of physically linked connexins.  ...
Markers Encoded by gja12.1
fd51f05 Chr: 20 Details