Figure Caption

Figure 5—figure supplement 1 Preferred tank location prior to and after cadaverine addition within each group and between groups.

(A) Preferred tank location of bsxm1376 adults after addition of cadaverine (grey and on side indicated by +). Behavior was monitored prior to and after cadaverine addition for 5 min periods. bsxm1376/+ heterozygotes showed a mild increase in aversive behavior only in the first min after its addition [6 min (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p = 0.0302), n = 15 adults for each group]. (B) Preference index before and after addition of cadaverine averaged over 5 min periods for bsxm1376/+ [0286 ± 0.077 and –0.0926 ± 0.0812] and bsxm1376/m1376 adults [–0.0651 ± 0.0494 and 0.0773 ± 0.0561]. Two-way ANOVA reveals a significant effect of odor delivery [F(3, 149) = 5.323, p = 0.0031], group [F(14, 60) = 6.827, p < 0.0001] and interaction [F(42, 180) = 3.128, p < 0.0001]. Post-hoc analysis by Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons. Numbers represent the mean ± SEM. Dashed red lines in A and B denote midpoint of test tank.

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