Fig. S9

Figures for Kinoshita et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. S9

Immunostaining of slow muscle cells (F59) in sibling, tbx6+/+; ripply1-/-, and tbx6+/-; ripply1-/- embryos at 2 day post fertilization. Transverse sections stained with F59 antibody (green) and anti-Mef2c antibody (magenta). The arrowhead shows the large gap between slow muscle cells in tbx6+/+; ripply1-/-, and tbx6+/-; ripply1-/- embryos . Scale bar, 100 mm.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 152, Kinoshita, H., Ohgane, N., Fujino, Y., Yabe, T., Ovara, H., Yokota, D., Izuka, A., Kage, D., Yamasu, K., Takada, S., Kawamura, A., Functional roles of the Ripply-mediated suppression of segmentation gene expression at the anterior presomitic mesoderm in zebrafish, 21-31, Copyright (2018) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.