Figure 5

La Spina et al., 2021 - Multiple Mechanisms Converging on Transcription Factor EB Activation by the Natural Phenol Pterostilbene
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Figure 5

Impact of Pt on mitochondria. (a, b) Pt induces mitochondrial depolarization. Normalized fluorescence intensity of TMRM-loaded HeLa cells, treated as indicated. (c) TFEB migration (expressed as nuclear/cytosolic fluorescence ratio) in HeLa cells exposed to the indicated conditions for 3 hours. Mean values + SEM. N ≥ 20 cells for each time point and condition, observed in at least 3 separate experiments. (d, e) Pt increases mitochondrial biogenesis in WT HeLa cells. (d) RT-qPCR analysis of PPARGC1a. N ≥ 3. Error bars: + SEM. (e) Pt induced a concentration- dependent increase in mitochondrial mass after 48 h. FACS measurements of NAO fluorescence in HeLa cells. Mean values + SEM; N ≥ 4.

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