
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
b1388 nr5a1a
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR2-nr5a1a
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR2-nr5a1a
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR2-nr5a1a
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
immature gonad decreased size, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 4 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad spermatocyte decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 6 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal vessel cell absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 8 from Yan et al., 2021
hypothalamus nr5a1a expression decreased distribution, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism increased length, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad sperm absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 6 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism cortisol decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium nr5a1b expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
breeding tubercle absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium cyp21a2 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium nr5a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
testis Leydig cell nr5a1b expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
testis Leydig cell cyp11c1 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
testis nr5a1b expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad decreased size, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 4 from Yan et al., 2021
testis cyp11c1 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
testis Leydig cell nr5a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal vessel cell cyp21a2 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 8 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism estradiol decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021
ovary oocyte stage I immature, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 4 from Yan et al., 2021
testis nr5a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism 11-oxotestosterone decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism increased mass, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
ovary granulosa cell cyp19a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
testis germ line cell ddx4 expression spatial pattern, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
Sertoli cell amh expression decreased distribution, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388 standard conditions Fig. 7 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism increased length, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
immature gonad decreased size, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 4 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad undifferentiated, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 4 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism cortisol decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 6 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium nr5a1b expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
hypothalamus nr5a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium nr5a1a expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal primordium cyp21a2 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 3 from Yan et al., 2021
breeding tubercle absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
gonad decreased size, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 4Fig. 6 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal vessel cell cyp21a2 expression absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 8 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism estradiol decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021
interrenal vessel absent, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 8 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism increased mass, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 5 from Yan et al., 2021
whole organism 11-oxotestosterone decreased amount, abnormal nr5a1ab1388/b1388; nr5a1bb1389/b1389 standard conditions Fig. 9 from Yan et al., 2021